Microsoft Fabric GA, and now?

Last week the big announcement came at Microsoft Ignite, Fabric is GA. Very cool, a lot of noise again for this shiny toolbox, but do we need to abandon everything and focus solely on the new toys? Before I'll answer that question, let's look at a few moving parts of Fabric. Integration The most important … Continue reading Microsoft Fabric GA, and now?

Microsoft Fabric, capacity usage and a design

This monday, I was lucky enough to attend the Fabric level 300 precon at dataMindsConnect. If you ever have the chance to go there, do it! It's very well organised, the sessions are amazing and so are all the people there. But that's not what this blog is about; today a Twitter thread started on … Continue reading Microsoft Fabric, capacity usage and a design

Microsoft Fabric: shortcuts and table clones

A few days ago, I heard the term table clone for the first time, it's preview release date was to be confirmed and I had no idea what it was about. Two days later, a video emerged where the table clone was explained on a high level. At that point, I started to wonder what … Continue reading Microsoft Fabric: shortcuts and table clones